E-Huset LTH

Welcome to the best student city in Sweden!

We hope you choose to join us at the E-Guild

Looking for information about the nollning?

About the nollning
Domkyrkan - Source: Wikipedia

Hello and welcome to Lund!

Lund may feel like a small town, but with almost half of the population being students, there is always something to do. As a new student, you are greeted by a multitude of associations that deal with everything from spex, parties and various sports, all just a few minutes away by bike. Lund would not have been the city it is without the students and that is why it is considered Sweden's best student city.

Frequently Asked Questions

We have collected the most common questions we get below, if you can't find what you're looking for you can always contact us!

How is studying at LTH compared to Gymnasiet?

Att plugga på LTH eller på vilken universitetsutbildning som helst innebär en större frihet men också ett större ansvar för studierna. En stor del av undervisningen är frivillig att delta på, men den håller samtidigt ett högre tempo och det är viktigt att man lägger ordentligt med tid på sina studier. Man läser också färre kurser parallellt än vad man gör på gymnasiet.

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Nations in Lund

Nations are probably the most classic associations in Lund and what you often think of when Lund's student life is mentioned. In the old days, you joined the nation that represented the country or geographic region you came from, but nowadays all students can join any nation they want. Common to all nations is that all students are often welcome at the events organized, even if they are not members. However, members can receive certain benefits such as cheaper entry or standing in the nation's housing queue. So look around at the different nations below and see which one suits you best! If you are not satisfied with the nation you have joined, you can always change next term!



You can't talk about Lund without mentioning the Lund Carnival! As one of the world's largest events organized entirely by volunteering students, it is unique in its kind. Every fourth year, the students in Lund take a weekend across the park at the Cathedral, also known as Lundagård. Everything you can think of is arranged here: game tables, shows, circus, bars, restaurants and much more. The next carnival starts in 2026!

Read more about Lundakarnevalen

More to do in Lund


Spex may be the most classic Lund student experience out there. It can probably be best described as a theater piece with a strong focus on humor and song, often with references to student life and various events in the outside world. If you like being on stage, singing or playing instruments, this is perfect for you! But of course it also suits you who like to cook, work with technology, organize parties, sew, make-up or just have a lot of fun!


The various programs at Lund University organize themselves in student associations called "kårer". Their main task is to monitor studies and provide the students with a social context. As a student at LTH, you will be a member of the Teknologkåren (TLTH), which is the umbrella organization for the various guilds, including the E-guild. Both TLTH and the guilds organize several events for their members, for example nollningen.

Last of April (Valborg)

Valborg in Lund is something completely unique. When the sun finally comes out again and everything is in full bloom, the whole city comes alive. One of Sweden's largest spontaneous parties takes place in the city park, the nations invite to concerts and parties and from every balcony happy shouts and noise are heard. A day (or several) that attracts both students and people from all over Scania.